Kali ini saya ingin kembali menulis tentang kematian. Sudah satu bulan terakhir saya tertarik dengan topik yang satu ini. Saya mengunduh banyak ebook tentang kematian baru dua ebook yang saya baca dan setiap ada artikel yang membahas kematian, grieve, bereavement, atau apapun yang terkait segera menarik perhatian saya. Mungkin saya hanya sedang dalam proses mencari jawaban, hiburan atau ketenangan bahwasanya saya tidak perlu takut dengan kematian. Atau yang lainnya. If you know what I mean.
Anehnya, meski saya sudah berusaha "mendekatkan diri" dengan kematian, saya tetap saja takut. Tidak seperti Eowyn yang dengan mantap bilang, "I fear neither dead nor pain." Dan, dalam proses itu saya menemukan sebuah video bagus di TED. Tentu saja tentang kematian.
Stephen Cave memulai narasinya dengan bertanya, "Who here remembers when they first realized they were going to die?" Siapa yang masih ingat untuk pertama kalinya bahwa kita akan mati? Dan pertanyaan berikutnya adalah kenapa sih kita begitu takut akan kematian? Toh, bukannya kita semua akan mati?
"This is, if you like, our curse. It's the price we pay for being so damn clever. We have to live in the knowledge that the worst thing that can possibly happen one day surely will the end of all our projects, our hopes, our dreams, of our individual world. We each live in the shadow of a personal apocalypse. And that's frightening. It's terrifying. And so we look for a way out."
"When we look back through history at all those who have sought an elixir in the past, the one thing they now have in common is that they're all dead."
"... The idea of soul is still hugely popular. nonetheless we are again reinventing it for the digital age, for example with the idea that you can leave your body behind by uploading your mind, your essence, the real you onto a computer. and so live on as an avatar in the ether."
"All you need is an internet connection and a cat."
"Are we doomed to lead the one life we have in a way that is shaped by fear and denial, or can we overcome this bias?"
"Now I find it helps to see life as being like a book: Just as a book is bounded by its cover. by beginning and end, so our lives are bounded by birth and death. And even though a book is limited by beginning and end, it can encompass distant landscapes, exotic figures, fantastic adventures. And even though a book is limited by beginning and end, the characters within it know no horizons. They only know the moments that make up their story, even when the book is closed. And so the characters of a book are not afraid of reaching the last page. Long John Silver is not afraid of you finishing your copy of Treasure Island. And so it should be with us. Imagine the book of your life, its covers, its beginning, and end, and your birth and your death. You can only know the moments in between. The moments that make up your life. It makes no sense for you to fear what is outside of these covers, whether before your birth or after your death. And you needn't worry how long the book is or whether it a comic strip or an epic. The only thing that matters is that you make it a good story."
bagaimana kalau kita membuat banyak drama in between our beginning and the end? hihi
ReplyDeleteKm mau buat drama yg seperti apa? :)
ReplyDeleteTapi tetap saja, kematian masih merupakan hal menakutkan bagiku. Kayaknya kalau saatnya tiba, aku bakal susah melewatinya.
ReplyDeleteWah, minat dan bacaan Kimi unik-unik, ya, hehe....
sebaliknya, ajaran agama justru selalu mengingatkan kita tentang
"outside of these covers". Dari situ kita didorong untuk membuat cerita
yg bagus, yakni dengan menjadi orang baik di dunia ini :D
mas mau nanya, itu tour yang dari malang ke bromo ada kontaknya ga? trus itu berapa ya /pac?
ReplyDeleteKalau saatnya tiba, bukan soal susah atau tidak susah, Man. You'll be dead. How do you suppose to feel that anyway? Hehehehe...
ReplyDeletePertanyaanku sama dengan Mbak Tina Latief. Mas Jarwadi mau buat drama yang seperti apa? hihihihi...
ReplyDeleteTapi, poinnya di sini adalah gak usah memusingkan ajaran agama atau apapun. Karena seperti yang Pak Cave bilang we don't need to worry about our book covers. Gak usah pedulikan apa yang akan terjadi setelah nanti kita mati, apakah ada surga dan neraka, ada siksa atau tidak, yang terpenting adalah kita tetap membuat cerita yang bagus untuk diri kita. :)