Reasons to Live

After having depressive episodes, my condition got better. I started to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel which I was walking. The temptation to cut myself was not as often as it used to. I cut myself only once.  In conclusion, the past two weeks are the best weeks I have so far in the last three months. Guess the medication works. Yeay!

Now I have found some reasons to live. They help me to keep going every day. Those reasons are:
1. So many books that I haven't read. I already made a to-read list: The Witcher series, all Sherlock Holmes novels, and all Agatha Christie novels. 
2. Plenty of movies and tv series to watch. I already downloaded movies and series on Netflix. My plan was to watch them all. And now I'm tempted to subscribe HBO Go. It has many blockbuster movies.
3. Learn German. Actually, I had learned German when I was in university, but I stopped learning it. For the sake of getting rid of boredom in these quarantine days, I installed Duolingo and started to learn German again. Now I have new ambition: I wanna be a polyglot.

Hopefully, I'm always in good condition and won't have another breakdown. Because, I swear to God, when depression hits me, it's not nice.

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